Thursday, May 3, 2018

Under Cover

I walked into the building we just purchased. It was going to be our new gym. John and I sat down on a couch that was left behind by the previous owner. They left an assortment of things behind. Judging by the mess that was left behind their departure wasn't voluntary. Pictures still hung, boxes half full of what looks to be trash. Some boxes full of vinyls, photos and cassette tapes. John picked up a plaque that was leaning against the couch. It had the name of a motorcycle club and their motto stuck to it.

"This is out place now," said John as he began prying the plastic strips off the plaque.

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind us. We thought the place was empty! A member of the club approached us and questioned us, "What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"This place is ours, we just bought it." said John matter-of-factly.

"I don't know what you are talking about. This place was never for sale." said the man. "Get out!" he yelled.

At that, I started to walk towards the door, but John stayed behind staring the man straight in the face. This wasn't going to end well. John pulled out his knife and with a flick of a wrist the blade was out. John thrust his hand forward before anyone had a chance to react. The man fell back and all I could see was the handle of John's knife sticking out of the man's chest. With a look of surprise the man fell back and slumped to the ground.

This started a war. I ran away scared. I built a machine that I could drive around with. It had guns mounted on it. Somehow I became a public enemy and people of the town tried to kill me. I defended myself and lost favor with the mayor. No one liked me. I was now held by gun point and not allowed to leave.

Suddenly I'm in Blood Gulch from Halo. I was working on taking out the enemy. A tank was shooting at me and I tried to get close enough to take out the gunner. I took several shots and he lit me up. Close to death I escaped to the caves. John and I waited just before the exit. I group of men were coming in. I went to shoot the man when he walked in, but suddenly I was at gunpoint by John. He betrayed me. The man who walked in turned out to be a general. I pleaded that if he were going to kill me that he make it quick. He decided to let me live for a while. He explained to me that if I cooperated I would make it back to my squad. If I didn't he would kill me. Again I asked for it to be fast if he did. He pointed the gun at me and I flipped out. I said I'm not mad about dying, I'm upset that you said you wouldn't kill me. He was just showing me that he could kill me whenever he wanted.

Time skipped forward and suddenly I was handed my gun. Seems I had earned their trust. I shot the man in his chest the second I got the gun. The dream ended.